If you own a business and know the importance of digital marketing, you probably already heard of SEO. It is a common expectation these days that Search Engine Optimization (SEO), if implemented right, will undoubtedly drive sales to your business.
Well, as digital marketers dealing with SEO tactics in daily basis, we’re here to tell you why that’s not always the case. Since SEO is one of the single most misunderstood elements of a maintaining a good website, in today’s post, we’d like to share a few fantastic industry insights from Sam Von Tobel, the author of 3 Common, Yet Unrealistic SEO Expectations article written for roundpeg.biz.
What You Should Know About SEO if You Want Your Business to Thrive Online
1. You will find much more success targeting less frequently used, niche keywords.
“Finding your way to the top of page one is a lofty goal that takes lots of time and effort. You give yourself a much better chance of rising through the ranks if you commit to generating relevant and high-quality content and have the patience to let your website grow.” Read more here.
2. If increasing sales is truly your goal, your focus shouldn’t be on SEO.
“With the misconception of SEO creating visibility also comes the assumption that visibility equals sales. More people are coming to your website, so that means they are going to buy from you, right?Wrong. Your landing pages not only need to be attractive, the content needs to be fresh and engaging and needs to drive action, whether it’s tempting them with more information with a click of a button, a free demo or providing them with something of value like a whitepaper or download. Read more here.
3. SEO is never “done.”
“SEO algorithms are pretty intricate and sometimes hard to get a grasp on. One thing that is certain, however, is that search engines definitely give preference to new, high-quality content. Constantly adding to your website, adding more content with the keyword or keywords you prioritize is the most consistent way to keep you ahead of the SEO game. That’s just one of the many reasons we emphasize the importance of blogging.” For more tips, go here.
As you can see, implementing SEO can be wonderful for your business – IF you have the right expectations. As a marketing agency in Delaware, we consistently stay up-to-date on the most effective methods of SEO, that’s why we call it Adaptive SEO. What works today, may not work a few months down the road. We monitor your advertising results through A/B testing and in depth analytics to get you the highest rate of return on your advertising dollars.
Need help with SEO? Contact us today!
Famous WSI Results and partner Advertising Is Simple are a full-service marketing agency located in Wilmington, Delaware, helping small to mid-sized businesses with all their digital marketing, radio and television advertising needs. Get in touch.
Famous WSI Results | 302-407-0430 | info@FamousWSIResults.com