If you own a business, you probably already understand how an established online presence can benefit your brand. Social media is not only a free tool for marketers and business owners that can be utilized to bring more brand awareness, but it can also be a vital element of any advertising efforts.
Do you want to bring in more leads and get your products or services in front of the right eyes? Consider investing in Pinterest Advertising! Here’s how.
What You Should Know About Pinterest Advertising
- Pinterest for Business – Before you do anything, make sure to switch your account to a business one so you can access specific features like analytics and the Ads Manager.
- Goal setting – What do you want people to do after they see your ad? Choosing your goal should be based on what’s most important to your business for this each campaign.
- Targeting – Take time narrowing down your ideal target. You should strive to reach the people on Pinterest who are most likely to show an active interest in your ads. Your targeting options can be determined by certain keywords, interests, demographics or placements. You can also use individual targets or combine multiple approaches.
- Budgeting – You can select a lifetime option if you want us to use your budget evenly in a chosen timeline. Pinterest will automatically adjust budgets based on how much there is left to deliver. If you select a daily approach, you will only use a specific amount you want to spend each day.
- Pin Success – You should promote Pins that are already doing well to reach even more people. Visit your Analytics board to see what’s performing well. Remember to ONLY promote content you own, and make sure every Pin links to a website.
There you go! Use these 5 easy steps and take your Pinterest Advertising strategy to another level! If you need help managing your business account, don’t hesitate to contact Famous WSI Results!
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Famous WSI Results and partner Advertising Is Simple are a full-service marketing agency located in Wilmington, Delaware, helping small to mid-sized businesses with all their digital marketing, radio and television advertising needs. Get in touch.