If you own a business, you probably already understand how an established online presence can benefit your brand. Social media is not only a free tool for marketers and business owners that can be utilized to bring more brand awareness, but it can also be a vital element of any advertising efforts. Do you want …
Choosing the Right Facebook Template for Your Business
Managing a Facebook business page can be intimidating, but thankfully there is a certain feature that can guide you through this process. We’re talking about a Facebook Template! Choosing the right one for your business can be detrimental to capturing leads, so make sure you give it some thought before you start setting up …
Choosing the Right Facebook Template for Your BusinessRead More
Tips for Using Facebook Advertising
Over the years, Facebook has proven to be the top social media platform to use for marketing and advertising purposes. Many businesses today know that by sharing relevant, engaging content, they can reach and build organic relationships with potential customers. While there’s many ways you can use Facebook for your business, probably the most powerful …
Update on the Recent Facebook API changes
Social media never stays the way it is for too long. In fact, as soon as we get used to some apps, features and functionalities, API changes once again. For those of you who don’t know, API is an application program interface, which in other words means a set of routines, protocols, and tools for …
Social Media Tips For Young Delaware Professionals
Social Media sites are a digital resource to connect with friends, family, co-workers, ect, often sharing and discussing personal information in a very public platform. Employers are now utilizing these platforms to find the right employee for the job. So as young adults start to transition into the professional world, it’s important to understand that …