One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is NOT paying attention to web analytics. Maybe you’ve recently invested in a dapper new website and have started to integrate social media and content creation into your online marketing strategies. Give yourself a pat on the back, as that is better than most small businesses. However, don’t get too excited just yet.
There is a plethora of content out in cyberspace. Making sure your website content and marketing efforts don’t add to the cacophony and get banished to outskirts of cyberspace can be achieved by analyzing current results. Zeroing in on the purpose of your digital marketing properties and following the path your customers take to conversion will help you to focus better on what needs to be improved or implemented.
Begin by Identifying Your Best Traffic Sources and creating special offers for the ones that bring you the most business. Web analytics give you the ability to Better Understand Customer Behavior. The more you know, the better service you can provide your customers. Find the pages on your website that are best at converting and use that knowledge to improve the pages that are under performing. Improve Your Website Conversions Funnels using web analytics. Perfecting Landing Page Performance by determining what designs work best to get the desired action. Finally Make it Personal, your customers will reward you!
Please watch this video to find out more: