Google Analytics has always been a powerful tool for businesses. As digital marketing becomes increasingly important, small businesses need to have expert marketing tools that can help them analyze their online presence and optimize their marketing strategies. That’s where Google Analytics 4 (GA4) comes in. GA4 is a tool that can provide small businesses with valuable insights into their …
Here’s Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Competitor Analysis
Imagine this. It’s a new year and you are a small business owner. You are committed to taking your business to the next level and trying new marketing tools to achieve your goals. However, you are unsure of how much you should be spending. Should you run the risk of spending too little, causing yourself to be overpowered by your competitors with …
Here’s Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Competitor AnalysisRead More
5 Google Analytics Tools to Include In Your Marketing Strategy
Tracking conversion is one of the most important tasks we have as digital marketers. Thankfully, there are many free services like Google Analytics tools that we can use to quickly and efficiently measure any inbound marketing efforts. Moreover, we can also see if the website that we’re monitoring is actually helping the business or doing the opposite. Are …
5 Google Analytics Tools to Include In Your Marketing StrategyRead More
5 Benefits of a Good Website Design
Did you know investing in a good website design early on is one of the smartest things a business can do? Why? Because there’s no better way to quickly inform your customers who you are, what you do and how you do it better than your competition. Research shows that a user/ potential customer can form an opinion about …
4 Benefits of Upgrading Your Site to HTTPS
This is a very important post for any business, organization or individual with a website. Starting now (October 2017), most sites will display a “Not Secure” warning in Google Chrome browser (and eventually others) if they have not upgraded from “http” to “https”. In order to avoid your customers seeing the warning security messages on …
Why You Should Care About the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS
If you’re in charge of your own standalone IC Site or client sites that have forms on web pages that are HTTP (not HTTPS), you might have received an email from Google Search Console warning you that starting October 17, 2017, these pages will be marked with a ‘Not Secure’ warning in Chrome. Do you manage websites that …
Why You Should Care About the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPSRead More
5 Steps to Make Your Business More Competitive
Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition, right? It’s what our society thrives on and what Darwin designated as ‘The Survival of the Fittest’. The business world is full of saturated markets where competition is not only a way of life, it is imperative to a company’s survival. One effective way for businesses to improve …
Using Web Analytics to Improve Sales for Your Small Business
One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is NOT paying attention to web analytics. Maybe you’ve recently invested in a dapper new website and have started to integrate social media and content creation into your online marketing strategies. Give yourself a pat on the back, as that is better than most small businesses. …
Using Web Analytics to Improve Sales for Your Small BusinessRead More