When marketing your brand, asking the right questions and making sure your product or service meets the needs of your ideal customer is crucial to be successful. As you can imagine, such process requires a conversation between you and your prospect to ensure you understand what they’re looking for and how you can help them. …
5 Tips on Protecting Your SMB from Cybercriminals
Just because you are a small to medium-sized business (SMB) does not mean you are not a target for online criminals phishing attacks. In fact, it’s the opposite. Being a small to medium-sized business makes you an easier target for cybercriminals. While targeting a larger corporation may lead to more lucrative payouts, these larger corporations …
8 Ways to Get Client Testimonials
One of the most powerful and cost-effective marketing tools for your business are client testimonials. Why? Because they deliver value from the people that know your services or products best. If you’re wondering how to ask your clients to provide feedback about your work, we have great ideas that bring quick results. Check them out …
What Does Legal Compliance and User Trust Mean in 2018?
So far, 2018 has been a big year for enforcing legal compliance (GDPR) and user trust (HTTPS), which are both critical elements to running your business online these days. The important question to ask now is: When was the last time you updated your website? If lately you’ve been noticing less traffic and conversions, it’s …
What Does Legal Compliance and User Trust Mean in 2018? Read More
How to Prepare Your Business for GDPR
In case you haven’t heard, May 25th is the official date by which all businesses need to be ready to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). What is GDPR? It’s a regulation approved by the EU Parliament in April 2016, which applies to any company anywhere in the world that stores or processes …
Online Reputation Management Elements + Client’s Success Story
Many businesses never even think about their online reputation management. This is a costly mistake because one negative review, if not addressed, can have a huge impact on a company’s revenue. Let’s be real, every brand comes across a disgruntled customer at some point. In the old days before the Internet and social media, it …
Online Reputation Management Elements + Client’s Success StoryRead More
What are Google Brand Accounts and Why Should Have One
There’s no denying that Google likes to constantly improve its formula in order to stay relevant and bring its users the best search results possible. While that kind of commitment to excellence surely is applaudable, it also means we need to keep abreast of every change Google suggests. That is if we want to get the …
What are Google Brand Accounts and Why Should Have OneRead More
4 Benefits of Upgrading Your Site to HTTPS
This is a very important post for any business, organization or individual with a website. Starting now (October 2017), most sites will display a “Not Secure” warning in Google Chrome browser (and eventually others) if they have not upgraded from “http” to “https”. In order to avoid your customers seeing the warning security messages on …