Though many businesses are still in denial or totally in the dark, there is a lot to be said for managing your social relationships and branding your business. It’s not so much about what you are saying, but more about what others are saying about you.
Online reviews go a long way and many sites such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, Expedia and Google+ have made it easy for people to talk up their favorites and talk down their not so favorites.
Consumers have become empowered by the ability to review a business and are a vital ingredient to reputation management. That is why it is important for businesses to monitor online reviews so that they can quickly address any negative ones.
Consciously making customer service a top priority is Marketing 101. ‘The Customer is Always Right’ — Right?
Many of us take online reviews quite seriously when researching a service or product and businesses that take the time to manage their social relationships and reputations will have a much better chance of keeping their branding and marketing strategy on track.
That being said, check out this infographic on how to best develop a good ‘Social Relationship Management Platform’ that will help you to better brand your business.
Share with us on facebook how your business handles is Social Relationships and how you were able to turn around a customers negative experience.
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