If you follow our FWSIR news section vigilantly, you know a few weeks ago we shared an important notice about Google Chrome HTTP security warning changes that you should be taking seriously as a standalone or client IC web manager.
So what does that mean exactly?
Google Chrome is changing the security indicator warnings that will be displayed to the web user if they hit a page Chromes deems as “not secure” under their new guidelines.
Moreover, beginning October 2017, Chrome will show the “Not Secure” warning in two additional situations:
1. When users enter data on an HTTP page.
2. On all HTTP pages visited in Incognito mode. Eventually, Google will show warnings on all HTTP pages, even outside of Incognito mode.
This is important for not only eCommerce, but any sites that are collecting ANY form of contact information or payment details.
Still considering whether you should purchase a certificate or not?
Chrome is one of the most popular browsers out there. Therefore, we believe its a no-brainer to take action now and avoid losing potential clients, credibility and SEO for your website.
In order to purchase a certificate, first please contact your hosting provider. As for the price, it will range depending on the level of security you need (based on what kind of data you collect), and your hosting provider.
To read more about the Chrome HTTP security warning, please read this Chromium article.
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