If you have ever asked yourself this, then you might want to pay attention. LinkedIn is the largest social network based solely on building professional connections around the globe. Whether you are looking for professional connections within your industry or just looking for people with similar interests, a LinkedIn Profile is something all professionals should …
Let’s Talk about Conversational Marketing
When marketing your brand, asking the right questions and making sure your product or service meets the needs of your ideal customer is crucial to be successful. As you can imagine, such process requires a conversation between you and your prospect to ensure you understand what they’re looking for and how you can help them. …
The Ins and Outs of Social Prospecting for Lead Generation
Inbound marketers realize the important role that social media plays in the market place. Facebook, alone offers 1 billion opportunities to connect with your ideal customer. Twitter has 230 million! So what are you waiting for? Social Prospecting Offers Industries of All Types and Sizes opportunities to identify and engage potential prospects. Simple strategies, such …
The Ins and Outs of Social Prospecting for Lead GenerationRead More